What flooring is right for you?
Laminate Floors
Engineered Wood Floors
Carpet Floors
Home, Hotel, Retail, Office
Home, Hotel, Retail, Office
Home, Hotel, Retail, Office, Restaurants
Heavy traffic, color options, safety, anti bacterial & anti fungal, low maintenence & discoloration, semi scratch proof, allergy free & odour free.
Aesthetic value, environment-friendly, actual wood flooring, natural, Long life.
Heavy traffic, color options, safety, anti bacterial & anti fungal, low maintenence & discoloration, semi scratch proof, allergy free & odour free.
Service provided by us.
Service provided by us.
Service provided by us.
Will scratch only if heavy furniture is dragged on it. Foot traffic no change.
Will scratch If furniture is dragged on it or anything with sharp edge. Foot traffic no change.
Will scratch only if heavy furniture is dragged on it. Foot traffic no change.
Cleam with damp not wet cloth; Stagnant water needs to be removed immediately.
Cleam with damp not wet cloth; Stagnant water needs to be removed immediately.
SPC core does not get affected by water but stagnant water needs to be removed in a short time.
10-20 years* residential , please check for commercial warranty.
10-25 years residential* (depending upon top layer), please check for commercial warranty.
10 years* residential, please check for commercial warranty.